Pixel Tank by Mr_Octopus_2020
Pixel Tank 1.6.3 has been released. What's new: New settings menu that allows to change value using A/D key instad of inputting values manually. Bug Fixes. Fixed compatibility problems on CCEmux and CraftOS-PC. Game is still unstable on those platforms but now it rarely crash.

BATTLECITY is a classic game on Famicom. The goal of it is to defeat all enemy tanks and defend the base. And now, you can play it in Minecraft!
This game is developed to imitate the game Battlecity. However, there is still a lot of difference. Try it now! This game is still in-developing so feel free to comment, ask for help, or give suggestions to help me improve this! Reported bugs will be fixed first.
This game is developed based on CC restitched-1.101.2, Fabric 1.19.2. There should be no compatibility problems in higher versions, but may crash in lower versions. For any crashing in any versions, please comment below and I'll try to fix it quick.
This game requires an advanced computer to show colorful UI. This game requires a speaker to play, in order to play different sounds. If you have mod CC:C Bridge and mod Create installed, you can enjoy the game with a huge monitor and a wireless joystick! Please view toturials below to see how to do.
For introduction or tutorials, please go to my page on CC:Tweaked forum for more information. Link is here. https://forums.computercraft.cc/index.php?topic=589
wget run https://pinestore.cc/d/47Git Repository

Hey, looks great! However, I'm having an issue with the installation of the game. Here's a screenshot of the error during installation:
Feel free to reach out to me on Discord (xella37) :)
Edit: after trying to run it anyway I'm getting this error a little bit into the game (when I got hit)
Btw on CraftOS-PC you can use periphemu to create speakers automatically if you can't find any :)

Thanks to Xella and I've fixed some bugs just now. Game won't crash during installation and is compatible with emulators now.
Further debugging and polishing is required, and I'll keep on working on the project. Any suggestions or reports are welcome! :P
Great job btw! The game is actually really polished! I didn't get too far the first time, but it's a great game and more people should play it! :D