279 downloads 1099 views 4 likes Mar 27, 2024

CCMaps by cyberbit
Updated Mar 27, 2024
Added roads, buildings, more water features, and some optimizations to help the map feel more smooth. Also updated the theme slightly.

A proof-of-concept vector map viewer. Requires HTTP.
Requests are sent to a minimal proxy server to convert the binary tile format from a public basemap into vector geometry, which is sent back to the client and drawn with Plotter.
Works in-game and on Craft-OS PC.
Default layers:
- Land
- Water areas (lakes, ponds, etc.)
- Boundary line (country, state, etc.)
- Level 1 and 2 boundary labels
- Roads
- City labels
Verbose layers (see controls):
- Water lines (rivers, etc.)
- Level 3 boundary labels
- Road labels
- Mouse drag, arrow keys: pan map
: zoom map[f]
: Toggle verbose features[l]
: Toggle verbose labels
wget run https://pinestore.cc/d/66Git Repository

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Thank you! There are a bunch of optimizations I have yet to make, the map flashes are one of them. Wanted to get something up in the meantime :)