
POST /api/auth/project/update

Using your personal token, you can update existing project info using this endpoint. The projectId must be specified. All other parameters are optional. Any unspecified property is left unchanged.

POST Params

Param: projectId

id of the project for which to update properties

Param: allow_null optional

if true, overwrites all values even if some are set to null (each parameter is no longer optional, useful when having to remove data)

Param: projectname optional

the name of the project (max 40)

Param: description_short optional

short version of the description (for use in embeds or short versions for in CC) (max 200)

Param: description optional

full version of the description in plaintext (max 3000)

Param: description_markdown optional

markdown version of the description (max 3500)

Param: install_command optional

CC command to install the project (max 150)

Param: target_file optional

the file that should be run after installation has finished (max 30)

Param: tags optional

comma separated list of tags. Allowed tags: fun,library,utility,turtle,pocket,mod,resourcep,audio,os,emulator,puzzle,action,quirky

Param: repository optional

url for the git repository (max 150)

Param: keywords optional

comma separated list of keywords (max 300)

Param: visible optional

true / false

Param: date_release optional

number, timestamp in ms for countdown timer

Example of returned JSON

	"success": true