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PineJam 2024

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PineJam 2024

Welcome to PineJam!

After the success from last year, it is just about time for another round of the ComputerCraft jam.

If you want to be alerted for the theme reveal as well as for other announcements, you can join the PineStore Discord. Keep in mind that questions are always welcome there.

PineJam 2023

In last year’s edition of PineJam, the ComputerCraft community was brought together, with 6 contestants participating. Some amazing projects have come out of this contest, with some notable winners being Viluon’s Planet Garden, Michiel’s Samurai Salad and JackMacWindows’ Herobrine Demo. All these lovely projects have inspired another jam to take place in 2024.


The theme is: FLOW


The rules for this jam are quite simple:

  • Submission needs to be CC related
  • Project must fit the theme
  • Work alone or with a team of up to 3 people
  • Generative AI is not allowed for the majority of your project (so tools such as GitHub Copilot are fine)
  • Projects will be submitted on PineStore

Judging Criteria

Together with a small team, we will be judging each submission on 4 categories.

Category Description
Creativity We will judge how original your concept is, as well as if you’ve been thinking outside the box with your execution.
Design Design will be judged based on user interfaces, gameplay or ease of use, depending on what your project is about.
Appeal Appeal will translate to how fun or useful your creation is.
Theme Represents how well your submission fits the theme of the jam.


The total prize pool currently consists of:

  • 50 euros
  • 10 euro Steam gift card
  • 1000 Krist

How these will be divided over the highest ranking submissions has yet to be decided.

If you would like to contribute to the prize pool, please send me (Xella) a message on Discord!