Submitted on Jul 1, 2024

PineJam 2024


Aquatic Tide by Lokachop

project thumbnail

Aquatic Tide

Entry to PineJam 2024



W/A/S/D -> Move
Arrow Keys -> Rotate Camera
I/K -> Zoom In / Out


LClick Hold: Mouse Action


I sadly couldn't get 95% of the stuff i wanted to get in in time due to me being an idiot and completely not working on it for most of the jam, but it serves as a basic FLK3D demo atleast

I also might update it to re-add all of the planned features

judge results
profile Roachcock
Creativity 9
Theme 7
Design 10
Appeal 9
Final 8.75
fun gameplay, loved it!
profile shadyduck
Creativity 9
Theme 8
Design 8
Appeal 8
Final 8.25
Absolutely mesmerising water dynamics on the boat (plus dynamic shadows??), sad textures didn't work for me
profile Emma
Creativity 9
Theme 10
Design 8
Appeal 6
Final 8.25
Very cool game with cool mechanics, too bad it doesnt use craftos-pc's graphics mode and that its currently quite lacking in features and gameplay. The reeling mechanic could use some more work to be responsive
profile dev9551
Creativity 8
Theme 8
Design 9
Appeal 8
Final 8.25
No comment
profile Erb3
Creativity 4
Theme 7
Design 9
Appeal 6
Final 6.50
I very much enjoyed this game
final scores
Creativity 7.8
Theme 8
Design 8.8
Appeal 7.4
Final 8.00
project screenshot project screenshot project screenshot