67 downloads 204 views Aug 8, 2024

tts-engine [wip] by aio

tts-engine, say words in computer craft!

Today i would like to introduce my brand new text to speach engine! It does not always have perfect pronunciation but should be good enough for basic sentances, you can customize it a little bit in the code. Anyways what are you waiting for?

wget run https://pinestore.cc/d/113
Git Repository
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pfp Michiel 7 months ago

Cool project!

The install script contains a tiny error in the shell command that's supposed to download tts-engine.lua (it's missing the wget). I also would suggest updating the PineStore install command to use wget run, because currently it just downloads the install script instead of running it.

It's quite amusing that it seems to switch between multiple different voices, it makes it sound like a funny robot :D

pfp aio Creator 7 months ago

Thanks, it has been fixed :3

If you want to help improve the voice, you can always leave a pr on the github with better samples. The current ones are just randomly cut samples from wikimedia haha, most samples are dated 2006-ish so the quality could really be improved.