Citrusoft Instant Messenger V2.1 by GibbonBoy12
V2.1 Added group chats with up to 8 users!

The Citrusoft Instant Messenger is my first ever programming project, so, I thought I might as well put it on Pinestore. It's a pretty basic messaging tool, (More info in the info section in the program) but still capable of full conversations, and, it's only 4.2 KBs! (As of V2.1)
I may make a version 3.0 in the future, new features being message encryption codes, and possibly UniNet, but that's a little bit unrealistic.
This isn't as good as cc-email, but it is still pretty fun to put in a multi-player server.
Feedback in the form of comments is appreciated.
HUGE thanks to ShreksHellraiser, JackMacWindows, and tig for helping me fix many different bugs!
Remember, that old versions are not compatible with new versions.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy "The Future of Communications."!
wget run https://pinestore.cc/d/130Git Repository

Lovely project! Would love to see how this evolves :3


actually, literally in a few minutes I'm releasing a new version where you can have live chats in one window

actually no, you just communicate live