31 downloads 455 views Feb 3, 2024

Obsi Game Engine (1.5.0) by Sima :3

Updated Feb 3, 2024
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Obsi 2D Game Engine (CC:Tweaked)

Obsi is no longer in development. Please use Obsi 2 instead.

Obsi is a game engine that was designed specifically for CC:Tweaked.

Features of the game engine:

  • It's 2D (I literally didn't implement triangles. DON'T EVEN TRY TO MAKE IT 3D.)
  • Very similar to Love2D - if you are familiar with that engine, Obsi will be very easy to grasp!
  • Customizable color palette - if you think the colors that CC provides you with are very limited, why not change them?
  • Better image format - Obsi supports another image format besides .nfp called .orli (stands for "Obsi Run-Length Image"). This format can be up to 6-10x smaller than .nfp.
  • 3 Different renderering APIs for optimal drawing to the terminal. Including: pixelbox (by Dev9551), parea, hmon.
  • Changing rendering APIs on runtime (The default is parea, but it can be changed in the config.lua file of the game's folder.)
  • Resizability - you can change the resolution ingame and the engine will still perform fine! (if it doesn't then it's your fault, probably)
  • Tilesheets - if your image is a map of images with the same width and height, Obsi can directly give you an array of images using obsi.graphics.newImagesFromTilesheet.
  • Support for noteblocks and formats like .nbs (Thanks to Xella) and .onb (the latter is just mostly a csv).
  • Playing/pausing/unpausing/stopping noteblock audio whenever you like.
  • Scene manager + global state.

Features that are not implemented:

  • Networking (Technically possible since 1.4.0, but no direct support for it yet.)
  • Support for .png (Yeah, Dev9551, I've seen your png parser, but Holy Christ, it's too large!)
  • Triangles (Did I mention that this is a 2D game engine?)
  • Bundler/minifier - There are plans for Obsi to have a bundler in the repository, so that when you download it, you can bundle everything up and reduce its size significantly.

The engine doesn't have a release version, so you can either download it with git clone or pastebin


9551-Dev - For the Pixelbox rendering API.

Xella37 - For the original parsing function for NBS file format.

Obsi Game Engine (1.5.0)

Changes from the previous release:

  • Added new object with filesystem: obsi.File
  • Added new module for working with game's directory: obsi.filesystem (very similar to Love2D's except for some missing features.)
  • Added new functions for the module: obsi.filesystem.newFile, obsi.filesystem.getInfo, obsi.filesystem.read, obsi.filesystem.write, obsi.filesystem.lines
  • Modules like obsi.audio and obsi.graphics now depend on obsi.filesystem
  • New version of rendering API pixelbox is now used, which is 5-7x better than the older version. Allows native performance for better resolution.
  • Some error messages were changed for better debugging of the engine.
wget run https://pinestore.cc/d/27
Git Repository
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