8 downloads 376 views Dec 4, 2023

Advent Of Code Runner by Fatboychummy

Updated Dec 4, 2023
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This is a program I started last year. It's main use is to make working with Advent of Code in CC/CraftOS-PC a little bit easier.

I plan in future to redo this entire thing (since it was made a little bit before I changed a lot of my coding standards), and implement automatic parsing of the challenge page as well (so the README.md and test_input.txt files can be auto-populated).


Simple selection of which puzzle to run

To run a specific challenge, simply run

challenge year day challenge_number


challenge 2023 3 1

Automatically grab your puzzle input

If you create a file named .session_cookie containing only your session cookie, you can use the setup subcommand to create directories for your puzzle and automatically download the puzzle input.

Automatic setup of each puzzle directory

challenge setup 2023 3 1

For example, the above would create directories for the year 2023, day 3, challenge 1; then inside will drop the input.txt file, an empty test_input.txt file, a template run.lua file, and an empty README.md to put the challenge info into (if you want to).

Note about the above:

The setup command currently will "fail" if you attempt to run it without a session cookie. It will still generate all the other files mentioned, just not the input.txt file.

Easier input and output

When running your code, the runner will supply an input filehandle and an output filehandle, adding a .lines() method to the input which will return a table of all lines (with .n being the total amount of lines).

Anything outputted will be pushed to both /challengeroot/current_output.txt and /challengeroot/year/day/challenge/output.txt. You can copy your output from there, or just write what is displayed. Anything printed normally will not be outputted.

This also allows you to test your challenge input on the test input given by the Advent's challenge. Simply appending test as the last argument of the run command will make it use the selected challenge's test_input.txt file.

challenge 2023 3 1 test

Easy library handling

The folder /challengeroot/challenge_libs is available to all challenges. Drop any useful libraries you have in there and all challenges can use them.

Planned features

  1. A rewrite lol
  2. Parsing the page for the challenge itself, to pull information into the README.
  3. Ideally you shouldn't even need to open your browser. It may be possible for me to implement a proper login system that will generate a session cookie for you?
  4. More logging capabilities, and perhaps exposing the logger to the challenges as well.
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